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Outreach Placement

We are accepting applications to foster, which leads to full-time outreach ministry. Submit a Foster application to get started!

Adopting a Ministry Pawsable dog into your church or organization is not just about having a dog! Simply put, it's like adding a structured and effective outreach ministry to reach more people with the Gospel.


Just like having a youth group or a ladies ministry, we provide your church with a structured ministry to easily reach people both inside and outside of the church walls. The difference is, we use certified therapy dogs to create a loving and calming atmosphere to break down barriers.


Our dogs can be used to support the welcome team to engage with new attenders as well as visiting places like schools, public events, and elder care facilities.


Ministry Paswable dogs open doors to share the love of Jesus.

Photo: Madison Jennings Photography


Ministry Pawsable dogs are working dogs, so dogs only get placed with churches or ministries, not with individuals. However, once placed, the dog will need to live and be cared for by a volunteer.


Prior to placement, a church or ministry should be willing to agree to the following:

  • Support the dog attending church, events, and community outings on a regular and ongoing basis

  • Support a family or individual willing to provide a loving home

  • Commitment to care for the dog

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